The President of AJK Sultan Mahmood Choudhary on Monday said that Kashmir Issue is the first and formost priority and the government is committed to facilitate the people of Jashmir in a better way by solving their core problems and purveying them proper platform for their betterment. He said this while addressing a public reception held in his honour at Sahnsa.
The President said that Azad Jammu and Kashmir is a base camp of freedom movement.
He said further that my recent tours to Turkey, UK , USA and Belgeium would be a handy move in order to solve Kashmir Issue as per the aspirations of Kashmireis. I have revealed the barbrism of India during my recent trip in explicit manner by exposing a Black face of India. He said that The peace of the region is not possible until the core Kashmir issues is solved.
The President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Barister Sultan Mahmood Choudhary said that in his recent tours to various countires of the world including USA,UK,Belgeium and Turkey he has exposed the nefarious tactics of Indian army and its imposed crulities over inncocent Kashmiries in explict manner. An enitre International community has understood this core issue of Kashmir in better ways. He further justifies his tour by saying that the main purpose of his trip was related to the decision taken by Modi Governement on 05th of August 2019 by revoking the special status of the state of Azad Jammu and Kashmir for the sake of imposing his illegal accessiion of the valley and an excercise of resettlement of Pandits in the region in order to change the demography of the state by bringing their own chief Minister in charge. He further said that he will continue his efforts on national and international level untill the kashmir is solved. He said that he is not only fullfilling his Obligations as president of AJK by higlighting this core issue on internation forms but also playing his role in facilitating Kashiri people in better way. By addressing a public reception , held in honour of the president, headed by finance minister Choudhr Muhammad Ikhlaq , he said that he would try to solve the main issues of Sahnsa on priority basisis.
Varuos other Ministers including Minister of Physical planning and Housing Serdar Muhammad Hussain Khan, Member Kashmir Council Serdar Razzak Khan were also present at this welcome party.